<%@LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT" CODEPAGE="65001"%> <% Dim email, first_name, last_name, collateral_name, ao_f, ao_d, c_type, theTitle, theReferrer collateral_name = Request.QueryString("name") c_type = Request.QueryString("c_type") ' t = trial download, v = video or webinar, c = collateral, l = licensed download ao_f = Request.QueryString("ao_f") ao_d = Request.QueryString("ao_d") 'if (c_type = "" or ao_f = "" or ao_d = "") then ' Response.Redirect("https://www.igrafx.com") 'end if theReferrer = Request.QueryString("r") if (theReferrer = "") then theReferrer = Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_REFERER") end if Function emailUnencode (email) ' used encodeURIComponent in WebformValidationJS.asp, download_request.html, and checkexisting_process.asp when saving email address in cookie ' asp does not have an equivalent decode; these two characters seem to be the ones that are encoded email = Replace(email, "%2B", "+") email = Replace(email, "%40", "@") emailUnencode = email End Function Function getEmailCookieValue() email = emailUnencode(Request.Cookies("email")) first_name = Request.Cookies("first_name") last_name = Request.Cookies("last_name") End Function getEmailCookieValue() ' If (c_type = "t") Then theTitle = "Download " & collateral_name ElseIf (c_type = "l") Then theTitle = "Download " & collateral_name ElseIf (c_type = "v") Then theTitle = "View " & collateral_name ElseIf (c_type = "c") Then theTitle = "Download " & collateral_name End If %> <% =theTitle%> <% ' add in header and sidenav 'Server.Execute("/landing/acton_includes/header.asp") ' %>
<% If (c_type = "t") Then theTitle = "

" & theTitle & "

License keys required to activate iGrafx trial software will be provided in an email.

" Else theTitle = "

" & theTitle & "

" End If Response.Write(theTitle) %> <% If (email <> "") AND (first_name <> "") AND (last_name <> "") Then %> <% Else ' Load to New Visitor Form ' %> <% End If Response.Write("

Subscribe to the iGrafx Beyond the Swimlane® Newsletter

") If (theReferrer <> "") then // Response.Write("
left arrow Back
") Response.Write("
left arrow Back
") End If %>